Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why I hate Google Chrome

Simple, really. Because it's already ruined a perfectly good word used for describing bits of a browser. I am specifying [something about a browser] and have used it to good effect several times in the last two days. Chrome is the stuff around the edge of the viewable area. The toolbars, scrollbars, status bars, and so on. But I am pretty sure it's already starting to confuse others, and people regularly email or IM me about "chrome" and I have to contextually figure out they mean "google chrome web browser." I have much the same argument with many of Apple's apps. Mail, for example is resolutely un-googleable. A convention has popped up to call it (which it sort of is, though the dot app bit is hidden usually), so you can actually tell when a discussion of it is happening, versus the USPS or email in general. But I am probably just an old curmudgeon.


Unknown said...

you are definitely an old curmudgeon.

Anonymous said...

Chrome is okay...

Anonymous said...

The worst blog layout ever