Wednesday, September 17, 2008


First off, I'll admit I am not posting here much. Not tired of blogging as much as I am overloaded with it. Many of the things I want to talk about in this sort of detail are about mobile telephony, or design, so I just put them on the company blog. Sometimes quite random gripes, or personal news (Alison won a cool phone at a developer conference) and usually several a week:

Since I get asked by folks who know me, and no one else from the family, my dad's cancer update: He's still got it. Scan results just revealed this morning show the big ones shrinking, but not disappearing. Disappointingly, very small spots are now appearing in the liver, adrenal glands, a rib, some spinal bones, and some other places. We were always worried that the fact it had metastasized to the brain meant that it might be everywhere else, and it has. They are small, so there's time and the chemo is beating it up a bit, but eventually that will probably add up and get to him.

However, the new set of doctors are much, much nicer. And the new treatment center is rather nicer and closer. That all helps. The docs say he's still super-strong, so there's a long ways to go still.

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