Sunday, March 25, 2012

Status Report

Sending a status report to my boss yesterday made me guilty again about not blogging. I hate these sorts of posts, but since I am not about to post a real one, I figure it's worth it.

Also, because I have some great topics lined up (and outlined even), but don't know when I'll have the time to finish them. Mostly because I am doing so much other stuff. It's good stuff, that I will put to good effect and in many cases you'll see some of the results of, but right now it makes me not very able to share.

And, because you might care what I am doing, even if it's very, very vague.

  • I have a fairly new day job, for Cummins the big diesel engine manufacturer. And by "big" I mean "global" on a scale few companies have to deal with. There are, at the level of services IT provides, no markets so we build stuff for the whole world. I am the first totally mobile guy, despite there being some mobile products already, so am spending a lot of time developing standards and principles and strategies of mobile that can be used by such an organization. It's fun stuff.
  • One of my blog posts and some other ideas came together and I'll probably be putting a physical product you can buy up on kickstarter in the next couple months. I am at the point where I am going to pay people to shoot lasers at things as a proof of concept. If you read this, you will want one, and I'm trying to price it cheap as well.
  • I keep getting small speaking engagements, and tend to work hard on them so don't just give the exact same presentation over and over again. And, I've also finished my first three my webcasts for O'Reilly, and those take a fair bit of preparation when I have to talk to 500 people, without seeing them, and get all my internet and phone worked out. If you are hard up listening to me talking, I post every presentation to my Slideshare account, and if you click Multimedia on the webcast link above you can even listen to me.
  • (Speaking of the webcasts, they'll let me do more since I attract such crowds and get good reviews, but I need more topics. What do you want me to talk about?).
  • I have become quite busy with freelance. Part of the book, and speaking and just being around forever is that I haven't actually shilled for any work. People just come to me every month or so. Amusingly, the clients are based on several different continents, and tend to overlap each other or my day job just enough that I stay fresh in every field – without actually having a conflict of interest of course. 
  • And I am even busy doing the UX design part of your basic stealth startup focused on commerce and social media. Which... is about all I can say about that I suppose. 

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